Launched in 2023, Architectette is a podcast for women in Architecture. On each episode we feature interviews with women in Architecture, Design, Engineering, and Construction.

Guests discuss their career highs and lows, professional and personal experiences, and the exciting and inspiring contributions that they have made to their communities. Listen, learn, and enjoy!

blog post Caitlin Brady blog post Caitlin Brady

(B011) Silvia Lee: Tangents, Layer, and Alternative Careers for Architects

Silvia Lee is a licensed architect with over a decade of experience in small and large NYC architectural offices. Always curious and open to new opportunities, Silvia entered the tech startup world as a community marketing manager. Using her background as an architect she continues her passion of executing ideas into experiences.

She is now the Director of Customer Success at Layer, a tech startup creating tools for the AEC industry. She enjoys wearing many hats and getting involved with many different parts of the company at Layer.

Silvia also hosts and produces the Tangents Podcast by Out of Architecture which shares stories of untraditional paths in architecture. Silvia hopes to bring more understanding to the wide variety of skills and talents that architects have, as well as offer support and encouragement for those who have been frustrated with the industry.

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