007: Dani Schroeder: Civil Engineer and STEM Changemaker
On today’s podcast we welcome Dani Schroeder, PE, ENV SP. Dani works as a Transportation Engineer. She graduated from Drexel University in 2017 with both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering and is the first engineer in her family.
She holds leadership positions for both the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). For her work with these organizations and her extensive STEM Outreach work, she was honored as one of ASCE’s New Faces of Civil Engineering in 2021.
We talk about:
All-girls schools and women's involvement in STEM professions.
Drexel’s BS/MS program and the importance of co-ops.
FE, EIT, and PE and what all of these engineering credentials represent.
Failing licensing exams and how to overcome that setback.
The inspiration behind and impact of Dani’s extensive student outreach and volunteerism.
How publicizing your advocacy might seem cringey, but it can ignite some really beneficial conversations with your peers and colleagues.
We end with talking about the lack of diversity in engineering fields and how we need more people of color and women!
Dani’s Website and Blog, STEM Changemaker: https://stemchangemaker.org/
Dani’s Instagram (@danitheengineer): https://www.instagram.com/danitheengineer/
Drexel University BS/MS for Engineering: https://drexel.edu/engineering/academics/undergraduate-programs/bs-ms-programs/
Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam: https://ncees.org/exams/fe-exam/
American Society of Civil Engineers: https://www.asce.org/
ASCE New Face of Civil Engineering: https://www.asce.org/career-growth/new-faces-of-civil-engineering
Bureau of Labor Statistics for Women in STEM: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/wb/data/occupations-stem
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men: https://bookshop.org/a/91133/9781419735219
Women’s Transportation Seminar: https://www.wtsinternational.org/
Society of Women Engineers: https://swe.org/
Architectette Podcast Website: www.architectette.com
Connect with the pod on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12735000/), Instagram (@architectette), and TikTok (@architectette)
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